PATIENT INFORMATION First name *Middle nameLast name *Nick name *DOB *SS#Phone # *Sex *MaleFemaleAddress *City *State *Zip *State ID #/Driver Licence #Email *Employer Name *Work Phone #Emergency contact name *Emergency contact phone #RelationshipEmergency contact phone # *Physician Phone # *How did you hear about us?DO YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF:A.I.D.S / HIV Positive *YesNoExcessive Bleeding *YesNoJaundice *YesNoRespiratory Problems / Disorders *YesNoAlcoholism *YesNoEpilepsy *YesNoKidney Disease *YesNoRheumatic Fever *YesNoAllergies *YesNoGlaucoma *YesNoKidney Dialysis *YesNoRheumatism *YesNoAnemia *YesNoHay Fever *YesNoLatex Sensitivity *YesNoScarlet Fever *YesNoArthritis *YesNoHead Injuries *YesNoLupus *YesNoSeizures Fainting Spell *YesNoAsthma *YesNoHearing Impaired *YesNoLow Blood Pressure *YesNoBlood Disease *YesNoSinus Problems *YesNoHeart Disease *YesNoMalignancies *YesNoStomach Ulcers *YesNoBone Disease *YesNoHeart Valve, Murmur *YesNoMitral Valve *YesNoStroke *YesNoCancer *YesNoHepatitis/Liver disease *YesNoNeck & Back Problems *YesNoThyroid Disease *YesNoChemical Dependency *YesNoNervous Problems Disorder *YesNoTuberculosis *YesNoChest Pain *YesNoHepatitis Carrier *YesNoPacemaker *YesNoTumors & Growths *YesNoCirculatory Problems *YesNoHigh Blood Pressure *YesNoProsthetic Joints *YesNoUlcers *YesNoConvulsions/ Seizures *YesNoHip or Joint Replacement *YesNoPsychiatric care *YesNoVenereal Disease *YesNoDiabetes *YesNoHPVYesNoRadiation treatmentYesNoMEDICAL QUESTIONS Date of last medical exam *List any medication you are taking including nonprescription drugsDo you smoke or chew tobacco? *YesNoAre you allergic to any medication? *YesNoAre you in good health? *YesNoHave you ever been hospitalized? *YesNoHave you had heart surgery? *YesNoAre you under care of an MD? *YesNoHave you had a transplant operation that has depredded your immune system? *YesNoHave you had an allergic reaction to bananas? *YesNoDo you have any disesse/problmes you think we should know about?YesNoFOR WOMEN ONLYAre you taking birth control pills? *YesNoAre you pregnant? *YesNoIs there any possibility of pregnancy? *YesNoAre you nursing/breastfeeding? *YesNoDENTAL HISTORY INFORMATIONDate of last dental visitName of the previous Dr.?Reason for today's visit?How often do you floss your teeth? *Does your gums bleed when you brush? *YesNoHave you been treated for periodontal disease? *YesNoDo you grind or clench your teeth? *YesNoDo you ever had an allergic reaction to a crown, metal filling or dental appliance? *YesNoAre you prone to frequent headaches? *YesNoHave you ever used an electric toothbrush? *YesNoHave you had complications from an tooth extraction? *YesNoHave you ever had orthodontic treatment? *YesNoDo you snore? *YesNoDo you suffer from sensitive teeth? *YesNoHave you ever had a popping/clicking in your ear when you chew? *YesNoDo you have blister, or swelling on your gums, lips or cheeks? *YesNoDo you have problems with bad breath? *YesNoOn a scale of 1-10 (1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest)How important is dental health to you?12345678910If you could change something about your smile what would it be?WhiterStraighterClose SpaceReplace black mercuryRepair Chipped teethReplace missing toothLess gums showingReplace old crownI certify that I have read and understood all the questions above. I acknowledge that my questions have been answered to my satisfaction. I will not hold responsible the dentist or any other member of Hollywood Perfect Smile for any errors I have made in completing this form. Adult/Guardian: I hereby consent to the treatment indicated on my examination form, including the use of anesthetics, sedans, or X-rays as may be deemed necessary by the Doctor.Patient *Parent /Guardian (if minor)Date * Send Message